Water Park Mishap


It was the last day of school (10th grade), and we were taking a field trip to a local water park. The girl in my class that I had the biggest crush on was wearing a very sexy bathing suit. I immedialey felt myself getting an erection, so, to avoid embarrassment, I steered away from her. I went on one slide and she went in another direction. However, when I got in line for the big slide, I realized she was actually right behind me, and behind her were two bully kids that hated me. Well I was about to go down, when one of the bulleys pushed me and I went down totally lop-sided, doing flips and all sorts of things. Well, the big finale of the ride was coming up, and I went flying off all wrong. In mid air I believe my bathing suit came off and fell somewhere else in the pool, leaving me completely naked and stunned! Noone else could see, and so the lifeguards kept telling me to get out of the way and make room for the next person to land, but I was in too much shock - I didnt want anyone to find out. Sure enough, my crush came flying out same as i did and landed right on me! When she found out that I was naked, she screamed..alot!

The lifeguard took me out, put a towel around me, and led me to the detentary, where I remained the rest of the day. I am so glad it was the last dday of school, because after that incident, I switched schools right away!
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