Drunken Sleepwalker


This new years i got really drunk at one of my friends from college's house. there were about 6 people i knew, but were not my great friends. Which makes it more embarrassing. The other 5 people i never met before.
First, I threw up in the sink, which has obviously been done before, but i felt pretty bad about that. But the next day, I woke up and asked if I threw up. The host said "oh, you did more than that." And everyone kept saying "I'm not gonna tell you what happened." Finally, someone said "you peed in a drawer. I've never seen more pee in my life." Apparently, at around four in the morning, when everyone was asleep, I sleepwalked to the TV stand and let loose. Somebody woke up, cause it got on her sleeping bag. Everyone woke up, and had to clean it up for me. Actually, only three people cleaned, everyone else apparently couldn't stop laughing.

I want to die.
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