Toilet Overflow!!


I was dating a guy for several years. He lived with another guy who had gone to my high school. This roommate was older than me and was part of the popular crowd back in high school. Even though the years had gone by i still thought of him as "cool". One night my boyfriend and i went back to the house and found "cool" roommate and all his old "cool" high school buddies at the house watching football. I got bad gas from something i had eaten. Only bathroom in bachelor pad. I had to go. I had major diarrhea. I went to flush hoping none of them would have to go soon after me for fear they would smell it. The toilet overflowed BIG TIME. Work was being done in the bathroom and there was a hole in the floor so you could see directly into basement. Over flow leaked down the hole so it was not only all over the bathroom it was now in basement. I wanted to die. I had to walk out and get boyfriend to deal with it as I could barely move i was so horrified.
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