Blue Pants, Red Spot :(


I was in 7th grade, and new to the school. I had moved in the middle of the school year, so I had made few friends, and a lot of enemies.

I remember I had started my period one day, and I hadn't been expecting it. So, I went to the bathroom, and put a big wad of t.p. in my underwear, hoping that would stop a leak. Mind you, I was wearing skin-tight, light turquoise stretch pants (forgive me-I was in 7th grade in 1988....that kinda stuff was in style, lol). So, I was concerned. As the day progressed, though, I had forgotten all about the shifting wad of t.p. between my legs. I had shared my last class of the day with my next-door neighbor boy. I was best friends with his sister. Well, I had walked around the room all day....the teacher often asked me to help out other students who were struggling with their in-class assignments. Nobody said anything about anything, so I figured I was ok.

The bell rang, and the neighbor boy followed right behind me as we exited the classroom. He walked past me, and gave me a disgusted look. I went into the bathroom, turned to the mirror, and there was a bright, red blotch on the butt of my turquoise stretch pants!!!! I felt numb. I was already unpopular, and knew this wasn't going to help. I felt more awful that nobody even said anything. I pulled my shirt down over my butt, and walked to the buses, head hung low. Nobody ever said anything to me about it, but I know that somebody had to have seen it!

It was just another traumatic event that happened in 7th grade!
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