Milk Boy


It was the day before Christmas break at my school back in 9th grade, and we were all partying it out due to the freedom given to us on that day. Now, the lunch lady announced that we all could receive free milk, and greedily I stuffed my bag with cartons of milk, just like my friends did. I stuffed maybe about 18 or so cartons of milk. I went home and stuffed them all in the mini fridge (or so I thought).

I drank all of them, and then continued on with my Christmas break. Come 2 weeks and we returned to school. All that day I had noticed a weird stench coming off me, so I avoided being next to people. It took me a while, but eventually I noticed the reek was coming from my backpack. A quick inspection of my backpack revealed nothing, and I continued on with my day.

It was in history class that the vivid memory occurred. Whilst talking to a friend I noticed a large puddle of a mysterious liquid forming around my backpack. I stared and said,"Ewww, what is that." I then picked up my backpack to move it away from the puddle, and POP a large wave of rotten stinky milk pored onto the floor. I grabbed the backpack and wrapped my jacket around it and ran outside the classroom, and then outside the school and threw it out of the window.

And to this day I am haunted with the image of that puddle forming.
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