Pooping on the bus


When I was in high school a group of popular girls would constantly tease and torment me because I was shy and because I wasn't as "developed" as they were. They were always getting in trouble. One time they were forced to work for two weeks in the cafeteria after they had been caught smoking pot. I even giggled at them when they were forced to serve me lunch. One day at lunch, right before a field trip to the state capital, they put a whole bunch of laxatives in my food as a prank, even though I didn't know that at the time. As soon as the bus started I felt like I needed to go to the bathroom really bad, but the teacher said I needed to wait until we arrived because they didn't have time to stop and find a bathroom. All the bullies were laughing at me as I held my stomach in pain, that's when I started to suspect what they had done. I tried so hard to hold it in, especially since I was sitting right next to my crush. Finally after about 20 minutes I just couldn't hold it any more, and I had a huge bowel movement right when we got on the highway. Everyone started laughing, the girls were shouting "Sarah just shit her pants"?, I just wanted to die.
I had to wait for more than an hour before the smell got so bad the the teacher finally decided to stop the bus at a McDonalds off the highway. The teacher told me to get up and I had to walk through the bus in front of everyone with a huge brown stain covering the back of my pants. Poo was dripping down my legs and on to the floor. The whole bus just burst into laughter while I cried like a baby. After I had finished cleaning myself up in the McDonalds bathroom my teacher went next door to wal mart to buy me some new clothes. Instead of underware, he came back with an adult diaper. My teacher told me that there was no way he was going to clean up another mess and that if I couldn't hold it in I should be wearing pampers. The diaper was completely obvious under my sweat pants, and everyone could hear the sound that they made as I sat back on my seat when I got back on the bus. For the rest of high school everyone called me pampers and sh*tstain, it was a living nightmare.
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