Tiny Problem


Similar to what happened to someone else but instead of payback on me, I wound up being embarrassed worse. One day I was walking down the hall and someone stuck their foot out causing me to stumble and my first reaction was to grab something to hold onto and keep my balance. Well it wound up being the skirt of the girl in front of me, unfortunately for her the skirt went down with me and there she stood red faced in pink panties! I apologized and she was able to get her skirt back up and on and luckily it didn't rip but she seemed to accept my apology. Well a few weeks later I was showering after soccer practice, got dressed in my seats and walked out of the locker room. As I walked outside to look for someone, the cheerleaders and women's soccer team were still practicing so I was getting ready to turn around and walk back inside when from behind the same girl grabbed my sweats and pulled down. Well since she grabbed too hard, my boxers came down with my sweats and since I just had gotten out of the shower, I had shrinkage. Everyone started laughing and pointing at me. For the rest of the year I had the nickname "Tiny" Luckily since my dad was in the Army, I wound up moving from California to Maryland. But the rest of that school year was just brutal.
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