Bringing home to work with you


It was the night before I was to start my first job in an office building in the Central Business District of Sydney and I was very excited because not only was I very low on money, but I'd never actually had a proper job before since my parents had insisted that I focus on my school work instead of a job.

I was planning on going to bed early and getting a good ten hours of sleep so that I could be bright and fresh for my first day but about half an hour before I was going to go to bed, my boyfriend called me up and suggested that he come over and we celebrate my new job. I hadn't seen him in a week because he had been busy with exams at university and he also wanted to celebrate the fact that he was now officially on uni holidays. I didn't want to be mean so I told him he could come over for a little bit and we would have a drink or something.

Three hours later, after some very passionate sex (I actually found a note in my letterbox the next morning from a neighbour asking us if we could keep the sex noises to a minimum), we both fell asleep, exhausted but happy.

When I awoke the next morning, all tired from not enough sleep, I realised that I had slept through my alarm and that I had to be at work in half an hour. I woke my boyfriend and asked him if he could help me get ready since I was so rushed. I went into the bathroom and had a quick shower and shave etc. and came back into the bedroom to find my clothes for the day laid out for me on the bed. I hurriedly dressed, not paying too much attention to what was going where and somehow I managed to get to work, in one piece, in the nick of time.

I met the manager in the foyer of the building and she took me around and introduced me to all the people I would be working with, and I noticed that every time we walked off to meet someone new, the people we just met would laugh and laugh for some reason. I had no idea what was going on until the manager showed me to the desk where I would be working. As she was walking off, she turned back and told me that I had a used condom caught on the bottom of each of my shoes and to have a nice day.

I quit 3 days later.
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