Naked at the pool


My most embarrassing moment was when i was at my friend's house one day during summer break before going into 7th grade.

Her, me, her brother, and her mom all went to a public pool and there were two diving boards. My friend jumped off 1st, then I did. Well, i landed into the pool, and i got out as usual. I didnt realise that the top part of my 2 piece suit had gone friend did though, and so did everyone else waiting in line for the diving board! Thats not all...

The lifeguard was a guy and he saw me too. Later on that day i was in the pool and he looked at me eye to eye-i freaked out, and just turned around and got out of the pool. Luckily her mom wasnt there at the time so she didn't see my top go up. I was so embarrassed!
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