Violence in sports


Im 12 years old and this happened about a month and a half ago, I was playing basketball with my friends( 2 girls and 5 boys), one of the boys was really hot and nice so my girl friend told me to ask him to play basketball by us so I shoted "Hey Jeremy, Jen wants you to play basketball with her".

My friend grabbed my mouth so I couldnt shout and the hot guy turned around to look who shouted it. I shouted agian and waved my arms..... my friend grabbed my arm and swung me over her shoulder on to the ground. Every one was staring and nobody said anything because they were afraid I was really hurt like my tail bone broken. I sat there and blinked.......then I burst out laughing and everyone did exactly that.

A few weeks later I was talking to one of the boys that was there and he asked me out. It wasnt Jeremy but at least Ive got a boy friend to share the memory with!
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