The Standard Is Raised


French class was the first subject of my day in my sophomore year of high school. We guys had pretty good odds being there were six of us and twenty gals. I guess it was to make it easier to see everyones face when giving oral reports, our desks were all in a circle. I think the teachers got together to determine which song we would sing at the start of class for each grade. That year it was the French National Anthem--"La Marseillaise." That particular day I must not have really awoken, because somewhere in there I got a real hard-on! Just when I realized what was going on and hoped that Id be able to sit down at the end, the gal right across from me saw it! I never saw such wide eyes on anyone! And she was the one who brought a Playboy to class for her oral recitation. I thought about it afterward and realized that I noticed it at the high note of the song: "letendard est leve" (the standard is raised). Nobody said anything about it afterward, but then a bunch of the gals started calling me "George (of the Jungle)".

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