Some memories live forever..


It was near the end of June and all the sixth graders were in the auditorium for our "moving up ceremony" where we would be presented awards and junk and be told about middle schoool. I was sitting next to my two best friends and we were whispering about how boring the principal was, yapping on and on about how much we had accomplished and what a switch this was going to be and all that... but soon came the time when he would call the names of the kids on the honor roll and give them their certificates up on stage. I had never been on the honor roll, and I wasnt expecting anything, so I just sat back in my seat and continued to chat.

Of course I was taken by total surprise when I heard my name.
"Go up!" my friends cried. I raced up the stairs and ran onstage, then faced the audience with a big grin. Along with about fifteen other people.

The principal handed out our awards and smiled at us. Then, just as I was about to take the slip of paper from him, a fart crept into my butt. I sucked it in as best I could and felt sheer relief when the urge disappeared. I took the award and walked back down the aisle, and before I could stop it, a huge fart escaped. It was loud and echoed through the whole auditorium. Everybody cracked up, teachers, kids, my friends, even the PRINCIPAL.

"Well," the principal gasped, laughing like crazy. "Some memories die down and are forgotten, and some live forever. Ill have to tell this one to next years students!"
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