Too much alcohol


I wasn't even going to drink anything, but a friend asked me to do shots with her. So I said yes, and ten minutes later I had already taken about 8. Add a few chugged Amerettos and Mike's Hards to that, and, well, I'm 21 and 122 pounds--you can imagine how messed I was...

I couldn't remember a thing the next day, but then bits and pieces start to come back into my conscience. Like telling this guy I had a tiny crush on at one point in my life that I was "totally in love" with him, that I would like to have sex with him... that I use my vibrator and think about him. What the hell?! And then I was yelling things out like, "Bruce is gay! Bruce is gay!" and, well, he IS gay, but why did I have to yell it out? He's completely out of the closet and flamboyantly happy with it. And it was HIS party. Anyway, I have all these faint recollections of all these embarrassing things, some of them not even true, that I said... and now people think I've been "pleasuring myself" since I was three years old. I kept yelling, "I love Steve! I love Steve!" until he finally got too annoyed and left with his girlfriend, and Bruce was like, "Yes, honey--I know you like Steve." I said, "How did you know?" And he said, "Because you were yelling it out and hanging all over him till he pushed you away". I said, "No, I don't like him--I just want to have sex with him." God. How embarrassing can I get. I had no control at all over what I was saying. None!

That was a month or so ago, and its still very embarrassing!
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