Alarm Clock Needed


The summer after my senior year in high school, I went on a trip to Canada with my youth group. The trip lasted a week, and by the end, everyone was completely exhausted, myself included. The flight home was not direct, and we had to stop in Cleveland. The layover was a few hours long, so we all settled in to rest a bit before boarding again. I must have drifted off into some sort of deep sleep, because the next thing I remember, someone was shaking my shoulder and telling me my plane had just pulled away from the gate. My first reaction was, ha ha, very funny. Then I woke up a little more and realized that everyone was, in fact, gone. I jumped up and started to panic. Then I remembered I wasn't a little kid, and I would be okay without adult supervision. I made my way to the ticket counter, where I proceded to explain the situation to the ticket agent. A few fellow travelers overheard, and pretty soon word spread. Everyone in line was laughing at me. One guy was laughing so hard he had to squat down to regain composure. How rude! I asked the ticket agent if this sort of thing happened very often, and he hesitated for a minute. Then he said, no, never, actually. And then he busted up laughing! So, not only was I really embarrassed because everyone in the airport knew what happened, but I was also embarrassed, because soon after the flight I was supposed to be on landed, everyone realized I was missing. Everyone panicked, and so word spread at my church about what had happened, too...

The next Sunday I got my fair share of teasing, and profuse apologies from the leaders who missed realizing that I wasn't on board!
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