Telephone Fluster


A long time ago, I had a temporary job working at the Hill Country Arts Foundation. Id just finished college, and it was the first job Id ever had answering a telephone with more than one line. Shortly after I first started working there, I was the only one in the office while everyone else was taking their lunch break. The phone rang and I answered, "Hill Country Arts Foundation" and the person started placing a reservation for the upcoming theatrical production. Another line rang, and I asked the first person to please hold for a moment. I forgot to push the "hold" button, and pushed the button for the other line... cutting off my first caller entirely. Realizing immediately what I had just done, the startled new caller heard my first outburst as soon as I hit the button... "Oh, SHIT!!" Then, I realized that within a span of five seconds, Id made TWO mistakes! Blushing and flustered, I hesitated a moment and made my THIRD mistake by saying, "Hill Country Arts Foundation." I should have hung up and pretended that theyd dialed the wrong number when they called back!
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